Oh My Gosh! It is snowing out today. We broke the record for snowfall last month, but I was just tickled to see it out snowing again. It's warm and the flakes are fat, the best kind of snow. I packed Gabe & the kiddos up so they could enjoy the weather. They are on their way sledding. But before they could go, Gabe had to shovel out the driveway so I took advantage of the opportunity to take a few (120) snapshots of the kids playing before they left....
Here is the whole Kit & Kaboodle:

From L to R: Forrest 15, Bailey (Red Coat) 10, Jaden 9, BreeBree 3, & Connor 7 -- Nice looking group, eh? That is the snowbank that lines our driveway. We have huge drifts & then with the crazy wind patterns we have bare spots in our yard!!!

This is Bailey and our 5 month old boxer, Bella. She is always good for a giggle!!

I'm sure that snowball is meant for a brother, the oldest I'm sure.....

Jaden was hit with a snowball in the eye. He is putting on a brave face but I *KNOW* he is plotting his revenge.

BreeBree decided she needed to try her hand at snow balls too.....

I think I heard somewhere that if chickens (or turkeys) look at the rain, they'll drown. I wonder if the same is true for my pug. Grace is under Gabe's truck, hiding from the snow.....
Stay warm....