This is our 5 month Old Boxer, Bella. We came upon her and a few of her siblings while shopping at our local PetSmart. After a squeal of delight, I held her & I was instantly smitten. Gabe wasn't so sure we needed another dog. After all we have Grace & she makes sure that she is the center of attention. Bella was tiny when we brought her home (6 pounds!) She is meant to be a companion for Gabe (since I have Grace the pug!) but she is a source of entertainment for our whole family.

We've been outside today enjoying the snowfall. Bella joined us for a romp in the snow. Check out those ears... She looks like she's about to take flight. Normally, Boxers ears are cropped to stand straight up. But to be honest, we love her the way she is... Bella's ears are very expressive (much like Gabe's eyebrow/s).
If I'm lucky, maybe I can get a shot of her mischief ears...
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