I found the best website with an awesome tutorial. It's at The Shabby Shoppe. The tutorials are excellently written. Also they provide the papers & embellishments for starting I strongly suggest that you download the freebie & work along with the video tutorial. The video lesson has great tips & tricks for effectively using the tools provided...
I'm adding my first page with the freebies provided. Now, don't laugh, I'm just beginning.

Once you finished your first page & helplessy addicted to the ease of digi-scrappin' you'll want to collect more scrapbook packs. I'd personally download the freebies. At Two Peas in a Bucket, they have a ton of digital freebies to download & play with. They also have a nice collection of free fonts. OOOOhhhh... Fonts. I love fonts. We'll do a font tutorial soon...
For a nice selection of digital freebies go to this link: http://www.twopeasinabucket.com/shop/list/?f=506_c_2&c=24
If you're having troubles let me know. I'd love to see your work.....
xx Ta-Ta
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